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Shahriar Dadkhah, MD, Korosh Sharain, BS, Roza Sharain, RN, Kam Newman, MD, Housam Hegazy, MD, Sridhar Venkatachalam, MD, Scott French, MD. Immediate Exercise Stress Testing in the Chest Pain Center, a 10 Year Experience. Circulation. V116; II_382, 2007
Sridhar Venkatachalam, MD, Housam Hegazy, MD, Korosh Sharain, BS, Scott French, MD, Shahriar Dadkhah, MD Clinical Significance of Elevated BNP and NT-proBNP in Euvolemic Hemodialysis Patients. Critical Pathways in Cardiology. V6 N3, 2007
Housam Hegazy, MD, Sridhar Venkatachalam, MD, Korosh Sharain, BS, Anil Potharaju, MD, Scott French, MD, Shahriar Dadkhah, MD. The Value of S3 in the Diagnosis and Management of Heart Failure in the Community Hospital. Critical Pathways in Cardiology. V6, N3, 2007
Sridhar Venkatachalam, MD, Housam Hegazy, MD, Korosh Sharain, MD, Elizabeth Gray, BA, Scott French, MD, Shahriar Dadkhah, MD. Critical Pathways for Acute Myocardial Infarction. Critical Pathways in Cardiology. V6, N3, 2007
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